My Story

My "before" & "progress" pic
I'm here to share my story.. Actually more like a progress report as my journey is just beginning!

In college, I made a lot of memories that I won't ever remember with people I'll never forget. I had a great time and fueled myself on Red Bull, wine, and pizza. I was able to stay "skinny" from studying dance, participating in a dance club, and competing on a dance team. After moving on to the real world, my diet didn't quite translate so well, especially from going from tons of sleep and 30+ hours of exercise a week, to working 50-60 hours a week and hardly sleeping. Two years later, I saw a picture of myself and a mini reality check. I signed up for kickboxing and started drinking shakeology. I ended up disliking the taste and moving away from the kickboxing place and didn't look or feel any better.

I tried a brief stint with p90x and couldn't handle the workouts. One DVD is mostly pull-ups, and I still can't do a single one never mind 45 minutes worth! So I tried to get back into dancing and found a Zumba studio I absolutely loved. I went 4-5 times a week and sometimes did doubles. This went on for about a year and I still wasn't seeing any changes to my body.

My best friend and coach talked to me about her success and some different options. I decided to make the personal investment in myself and start a program I could commit too.. and only commit for under 30 days! The best part is, it was so easy to follow that it became a game changer. No more counting calories (1200 calories in pizza and red bull isn't nearly as good or satisfying as 1500 or more wholesome calories!) To this day I still workout and take charge of my nutrition. I have lost pounds and inches and feel awesome! I love to make creative recipes to stay away from the rut of salads, and I love to hear what everyone else has to offer, too.

Every day I take another step toward my well-being. I'm far from perfect, but I'm far from finished.