Zoodles & Meatballs

Zoodles & Meatballs

For the love of pasta! I love love love pasta but I hate hate hate the carbs. A big, hearty bowl of pasta would be more of my "yellow's" than I am "allowed" on the fix. So, in order to eat my rainbows, I bought a spiralizer from Target (from the As Seen on TV section for about $10) and made my own pretend noodles. I'll be honest, this does not taste like pasta! But if you like vegetables, think of this dish more as a primavera type dish, and if you use a spiralizer you can still enjoy twirling your "pasta" on to your fork.

  • Large zucchini
  • Homemade spaghetti sauce, or jarred sauce of your choice (try to get one that is no sugar added)
  • 1.5 pounds of lean ground turkey
  • 1 large egg, lightly beaten
  • 3/4 cup quick cook rolled oats (if you have another type of oat it will work fine!)
  • salt, pepper
  • crushed garlic
  1. Combine the ground turkey, egg, oats, a sprinkle of salt and pepper, 2 tsp. crushed garlic, and 2 tbsp. tomato sauce. Roll into small meatballs, about 1" or 1 tbsp. to measure. Place on lightly sprayed baking sheet and cook at 400*F for about 15 minutes, or until they are no longer pink in the middle.
  2. Use the spiralizer to make your zoodles. Pat the zucchini dry with a paper towel once you have used the spiralizer on it. Place in a frying pan to cook, stirring occasionally. Drain excess water from the pan.
  3. Serve with 5 of the small meatballs and about 1/2 c. more of spaghetti sauce.
Fixed: 1G, 1R, 1P

Note: I don't like to reheat the zoodles as I find them to be a bit soggy. This recipe will make about 30 meatballs. Sometimes I just heat up 5 of the leftovers with a 1/2c. of tomato sauce for a snack of 1R and 1P.